"%s" found but it is not a version ="%s" prona≡en, ali nema verzije
"%s" found but the required dll "%s" is missing ="%s" prona≡en, ali nedostaje potrebna "%s" .DLL datoteka.
"%s" must be in the folder "%s" ="%s" se mora nalaziti u direktoriju "%s".
"%s" not found ="%s" nije prona≡en
"%s" propagates the choice to all chapters of the current sequence="%s" selektira svaki chapter iz izabrane sekvence.
"%s" propagates the choice to all chapters of the current sequence^or to all stills, depending on the current selected item="%s" daje izbor na sve chaptere trenutne sekvence ili na slike,^u zavisnosti od trenutno izabrane stvari
"TV system" not found in the SmartRipper IFO information ="TV System" u IFO opisu nije prona≡en SmartRipper-om
%s Output File =%s datoteka
%s conflict occured =%s doÜlo je do greÜke
%s conflicts occured =%s doÜlo je do niza greÜki
%s disabled =%s deaktiviran
%s disabled in the %s settings page =%s u postavkama pod %s je deaktiviran
%s requires %s files, not %s files =%s zahtjeva %s datoteke, a ne %s
%s settings =%s postavke
%s success =%s uspjeÜno
%s will only let you generates the^GNU VCDImager %s compliant XML file which describes the VideoCd=Sa %s se mo₧e GNU VCDImager %s^napraviti kompaktibilna XML datoteka, kakvu zahtjeva VideoCD.
(in French or English) =(na francuskom ili engleskom ).
A CD-RW is required =Ubaci CD-RW.
A new version is available =IzaÜla je nova verzija!
A too high speed, even if burn succeeded,^may lead to jurky audio/video (S)VCD playback on your DVD Player=Zbog prevelike brzine snimanja, mo₧e doµi^do "zajeb"a kod gledanja (S)VCD-a na DVD playeru
ASPI seems valid =ASPI izgleda ispravan
About =O nama!
According to the desktop size/Windows Font size you are using,^the display will not be optimal.=Prema veliΦini desktopa i fonta koji koristiÜ, prikaz neµe biti optimalan
Actually the exact meaning is not defined, and it is also player dependant!^NB: Most players actually ignore that value.=Ispravno znaΦenje nije definirano i ovisi o ure≡aju.^PAÄNJA: Veµina ure≡aja ignoriraju ovu vrijednost.
Adding MPEG Stills will be allowed in the next %s version =Dodavanje MPEG slika µe bi moguµe u sljedeµim %s verzijama.
After =Poslije
All Files =Sve datoteke
All Items =Sve
All Supported Image Formats =Svi podr₧avajuµi formati slika
Always On Top =Uvijek na vrhu
An "Access Point Sector", APS, is an MPEG video sector on the VCD/SVCD which is suitable to be jumped to directly="Access Point Sector" (APS) je MPEG videosektor na VCD/SVCD, na koji se direkno mo₧e pristupiti.
An empty disk is required =Potreban je prazan CD.
An output folder is required =Potreban je izlazni direktorij.
An output name is required =Potrena je izlazni naziv.
Approximate Cd Size =VeliΦina CD-a za snimanje
At this time, only motion videos are accepted =Za sada podr₧ava samo video.
Attention: one or more chapters have the same entry point =Pa₧nja: Jedan ili viÜe poΦetaka kapitla idu na isti APS.
Audio Stream =Audio stream
Available Disk Space =Slobodno mjesta
Available Hard Disk Space =Slobodno mjesta na HDD-u
Be careful, a frame number is related to the sequence frame rate =Oprez, broj frame-ova je povezan sa frameratom dijelova scena.
Be careful, this may lead to burning failure =Budi oprezan, mo₧e doµi do greÜke pri snimanju
Be sure that some values are not bigger than the Mpeg duration =Pripazi, da se ne pojavljuju vrijednosti veµe od duljine filma.
Be sure that this value is not bigger than the Mpeg duration =Pripazi, da vrijednost nije veµa od duljine filma.
Before =Prije
Best Initial Size =Optimalna izlazna veliΦina
Blanking the CDRW =CD-RW izbrisati
CDRDAO is disabled by default, as I am note sure it will work with your ASPI drivers=CDRDAO je deaktivran, jer postoji moguµnost da neµe radit sa ASPI pogoniteljem.
CDRDAO support is disabled =CDRDAO podrÜka, deaktivirana.
CDRDAO will not accept to burn the VideoCD,^Change the Cd image type to "CDRDAO TOC" if you really want to burn it=CDRDAO neµe snimiti VideoCD. Promjeni vrstu CDImage-a^u CDRDAO-TOC ako stvarno ₧eliÜ zapr₧iti ovo.
CUE file with more burning directives =CUE datoteka sa viÜe pravaca snimanja
CUE file with the minimum required burning directives =CUE datoteka sa najmanje potrebnim pravcima snimanja
Cancel =Prekinuti
Cancel done =Prekinuto
Cancelling =Prekinuti
CDR Devices Scanning =Tra₧im CD-RW ure≡aje
Chapters will be too closed together =Pojedini chapteri su suviÜe blizu jedni drugima.
Check first that it is not an elementary video or audio stream only, a multiplexed program stream is required=Provjeri, da nije rijeΦ o osnovnom video ili audio stream-u rijeΦ, ako jest, multiplextirati stream.
Checked means Sequence / UnChecked means Picture =Izabrano znaΦi sekvenca / Neizabrano znaΦi slika
Checking if CDR/CDRW is empty =Provjerit postoji li prazan CD-(R)W
Choose the Cd Image Type "CDRDAO TOC" instead, or change the BIN file path/name=Umjesto ovoga izaberi CDImage vrstu "CDRDAO TOC", ili druge BIN datoteke.
Comma(s) and "&&" in filenames are not allowed =Zarezi i "&&" u nazivu nisu dozvoljeni.
Creating Cd Image file =Napraviti CDImage
DEL to remove a File =Datoteku mo₧ete izbrisati sa <Del>.
DEL to remove a File/Folder =Datoteku/direktorij izbrisati sa <Del>.
Deleting "%s" file ="%s" Datoteka µe biti izbrisana
Deleting temporary "%s" file =Privremena "%s" datoteka µe biti izbrisana
Depending on your (S)VCD player, PBC may be needed to navigate chapters=Zavisi od DVD/(S)VCD player-a, PBC je potreban za navigaciju me≡u chapterima.
Distribution =Distribucija
Do you really want to erase the Cd ? =ÄeliÜ li stvarno izbrisati CD-RW?
Do you want to add this file anyway ? =ÄeliÜ li svakako dodati ovu datoteku ?
Do you want to continue ? =ÄeliÜ nastaviti?
Do you want to see it ? =ÄeliÜ gledati?
Do you want to see the FAQ now ? =ÄeliÜ proΦitati FAQ?
Do you want to see them ? =ÄeliÜ sve gledati?
Don't ask me again =Ne pitaj viÜe
Don't show this message again =Ne pokazivat ovu poruku
Download Page =Download Site
Drag a file to change its position =Povuci datoteku, da joj promjeniÜ mjesto.
Duration =Duljina
Editable =Promjenjiva
End offset =End Offset
Error while parsing the XML document. =GreÜka pri uΦitavanju XML dokumenta
Even with a 0 sec wait time, the transition between sequences may not be smooth=╚ak i sa 0 sekundi Φekanja, prijelaz izme≡u sekvenci ne mora biti uvijek gladak
Even with a 0 sec wait time, the transition between tracks may not be smooth=╚ak i pri pauzi od 0 sek, prijelaz mo₧e biti nemiran pod nekim okolnostima
Event Disabled =Doga≡ajje iskljuΦen
Existing Cd data will not be recoverable after the blank =Ranije datoteke koje su bile na CD-u se nakon brisanja ne mogu vratiti.
Final Size =KonaΦna veliΦina
For example, allow to unlock the Cd Writer after a failed write =primjer: CD pr₧ilicu nakon neuspjelog pr₧enja otkljuΦati
Forbidden =Nije moguµe
Force execution of writing operations =Forsiraj pr₧enje
Front margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=Prednja margina za pojedine djelove scene.^Standardna vrijednost za SVCD 1.0 je 0 sektora.
Front margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 30 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=Prednja margina za pojedine djelove scene.^Za VCD 1.0/1.1/2.0 treba iznositi najmanje 15 sektora^, standardna vrijednost je 30 sektora.
GNU VCDImager only accepts/analyzes multiplexed program streams (video AND audio streams) and MPEG Stills=GNU VCDImager prihvaµa/analizira samo multiplexirane stream-ove(Video i Audio ) te MPEG slike.
Generated =Napravljeno
Generating the (internally computed) XML file =XML datoteke napraviti (interno koriÜtene)
Generating the (internally computed) XML file and preparing its display=Pravljenje i prijavljivanje (interno) XML datoteke
Generating the XML file =Napraviti XML datoteku
Getting the Cd info =Sakupljanje CD informacija
Go to the "settings" page to enable it =Mogu se u "Postavkama" aktivrati.
Guide =Uputstvo
Home Page =Homepage
If the MPEG file does not have regular MPEG sequence headers throughout the file (e.g., before each GOP),=Ako MPEG datoteka nema standardni header MPEG scene (pr. prije svakog GOP-a),
If you overwrite this default assignment, VCDEasy will not update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters or sequences later.=Kada se prelaze standardna ograniΦenja, VCDEasy ih neµe aktualizirati.^Budi oprezan, kada nakon tog dodajeÜ chaptere ili sekvence.
If you overwrite this default numeric keys assignment, VCDEasy will not fill/update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters to this sequence later.=Kada se prelaze standardna ograniΦenja numeriΦkom tastaurom, VCDEasy ih neµe^aktualizirati. Budi oprezan, kada nakon tog dodajeÜ chaptere ili sekvence.
Import Chapters =Importirati chapter
In relaxing the APS constraints, every sector containing an I-frame will also be regarded as an APS.^This increases the number of potential entry points.=Labavljenjem APS ograniΦenja, svakim sektorom sa Intraframom se rukuje/Φita kao APS-om.^Poveµava broj moguµih mjesta za skakanje po filmu.
Increase your desktop size to have a better display. =Poveµaj veliΦinu desktopa za bolji prikaz
Information used to determine which "invisible" sequence^to add when authoring a (S)VCD with MPEG Stills only=Podaci koriÜteni da bi se utvrdilo koje "nevidljive"^sekvence dodati kada se priprema (S)VCD sa samim MPEG slikama
Input Picture =Ulazna slika
Internal Xml Generator =Interni XML generator
Invalid %s filename =Nedozvoljeni %s naziv
Invalid MPEG file, seems to be a ".dat" file renamed to ".mpg" =Neispravna MPEG datoteka, liΦi na u .mpg promjenjena DAT datoteka.
Invalid picture file =Neispravna slika
IsoLength =ISO duljina
IsoName =ISO ime
IsoTreePath =ISO mjesto
It can be useful if you experience problems with CDRDAO/ASPI. =Moglo bi nam biti korisno ako do₧ivite probleme sa CDRDAO/ASPI-jem (ako da, obavijesti nas !)...
It is highly recommended to let "%s" as default driver =PreporuΦa se koristiti "%s" kao standardni pogonitelj.
Kb =KB
Key =Tipka
Last Modified =Zadnja promjena
Log =Protokol
MPEG file not analysed =MPEG datoteka nije analizirana
MPEG%s Video/Picture files =MPEG%s video i slike
MV (Mpeg Video) =MV (MPEG-Video)
Mail suggestions and bug reports to =PoÜalji prijedloge i opise greÜaka na
Mandatory for 99min CDR =Za 99 minutne CD-R neophodno
Mb =Mb
Mpeg Information =MPEG informacije
Mpeg Size (Quality) =MPEG veliΦina (Kvalitet)
Mpeg Still(s) creation succeeded =Kreiranje MPEG slike uspjeÜno
NB: Burn is not available when the output is XML only =Pa₧nja: Ne mo₧e se pr₧iti ako imamo samo jednu XML datoteku.
NB: CDRDAO does not support USB cd writers/readers... =Pa₧nja: CDRDAO ne podr₧ava USB ΦitaΦe ili pr₧ilice
NB: Detailled CUE files may be incompatible with Fireburner =Pa₧nja: neke CUE datoteke mogu biti nekompaktibilne sa Fireburner-om
NB: It is better to put the MPEG sequence headers in your MPEG stream rather than to force VCDImager to use this option.=Pa₧nja: Bolje je zapisati header MPEG sekvence u MPEG stream, nego^VCDImager forsirati da koristi ovu opciju.
NB: These CUE files are compatible with Fireburner =Pa₧nja: Ove CUE datoteke su kompaktibilne sa Fireburnerom
NB: You may encounter burning problems... =Pa₧nja: Mogu nastati problemi prilikom pr₧enja...
Name =Naziv albuma
Network files "\\server\share\..." are not allowed =Snimanje podataka preko mre₧e "\\Server\filmovi\..." nije dozvoljeno.
News =Novosti
No =Ne
No %s =Nema %s
No Aspi Device Selected =Nije izabran ASPI ure≡aj
No Cd Reader Selected =Nije izabran CDROM
No Cd Writer Selected =Nije izabran CD-RW
No Cd Writer/Reader found or ASPI layer not installed =CDROM/CD-RW nije prona≡en ili ASPI pogonitelji nisu instalirani
No Cd Writer/reader found or ASPI drivers problem =CDROM/CD-RW nije prona≡en, ili postoje problemi sa ASPI pogoniteljima
No more than a total of %s entrypoints can be referenced in a (S)VCD=U (S)VCD-u ne mo₧e biti koriÜeno viÜe od %s ulaznih chaptera
No more than a total of %s segments can be used =U (S)VCD-u ne mo₧e biti koriÜteno viÜe od %s segmenata u MPEG-u
No more than a total of %s sequences can be used =U (S)VCD-u ne mo₧e biti koriÜteno viÜe od %s sekvenci u MPEG-u
No new version available at this time =Trenutno nema novije verzije
Non quick blank can takes up to 60 minutes =Kompletno brisanje mo₧e trajati do 60 minuta.
Not Analysed =Nije analiziran
Not Available =Nedostupno
Not enough Disk Space on %s =Nedovoljno slobodnog mjesta na %s
Note that in all cases, you can not force a chapter entry point and being sure that the chapter will be physically at this point.=Ne forsiraj poΦetak chaptera a da nisi istovremeno siguran da je on fiziΦki na tom mjestu.
Note that you can use %s, %s or %s to burn the VCDEasy generated BIN/CUE files...=Mo₧eÜ koristiti %s, %s ili %s da bi zapr₧io, sa VCDEasy-em, napravljene CUE/BIN datoteke ...
Number of possible chapter entry points =Broj moguµih chaptera
One or more non valid chapter entry point found =Prona≡eno jedan ili viÜe "neurednih" poΦetaka kapitala
Only motion videos and MPEG stills (pictures) are accepted =Samo MPEG videos i slike µe biti prihvaµene
Ordered MPEG%s Video files =MPEG-ovi sortirani
Ordered MPEG%s files =MPEG% datoteke sortirati
Origin =Porijeklo
Output Directory =Izlazni direktorij
Paste supports VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor and TMPGEnc time format=Ubacivanje podr₧ava vremensku oznaku programa:^VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor i TMPGEnc.
Path =Put
Performing check for new version available =Tra₧iti novu verziju
Play =Reproducirati
Please be sure that this file is not ReadOnly =Budi siguran da datoteka nije zaÜtiµena.
Please check the filename =Provjeri naziv datoteke.
Please read the VCDEasy FAQ before reporting a bug =ProΦitaj VCDEasy-FAQ prije prijavljivanja greÜke
Please wait =SaΦekaj
Please wait while adding the files =SaΦekaj, dok dodam datoteke
Please wait while cancelling =SaΦekaj, dok prekinem
Please wait while finilazing the cd =SaΦekaj, CD se finalizira
Please wait while scanning the MPEG file =SaΦekaj, MPEG se analizira
Please wait while scanning the MPEG files =SaΦekaj, dok se MPEG-ovi analiziraju
Please, add at least one MPEG file =Dodaj barem jednu MPEG datoteku.
Pos =Pozicija
Read the very good %s to understand how (S)VCD chapters works =ProΦitaj, stvarno dobar, FAQ %s, da bi razumio princip rada (S)VCD chaptera.
Rear margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=Zadnja margina za pojedine djelove scene.^Standardna vrijednost za SVCD 1.0 je 0 sektora.
Rear margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 45 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=Zadnja margina za pojedine djelove scene.^Za VCD 1.0/1.1/2.0 trba bit najmanje 15 sektora^standardna vrijednost je 45 sektora.
Remove them or choose VCD2.0 =Izbaci ih ili izaberi VCD2.0
Reset actions to defaults =PoniÜti akcije na default
Reset actions to defaults for: =PoniÜti akcije na default za:
Rigth Click to have the Popup menu =Desni klik za kontekst
Ripping %s ="%s" izvaditi
SPI drivers problem =SPI pogoniteljski problem
Same as "%s" but when pbc interpretation enabled,^then start the next disc at the second pbc list instead of the first one.=Ima istu funkciju kao i <%s>, kod koriÜtenja PBC-a µe se^sljedeµi CD startati sa sljedeµe PBC liste umjesto sa prve.
Scanning %s =Analiziram %s
See "%s" in the %s FAQ file (in the %s folder) =Pogledaj "%s" u FAQ-u (u %s direktoriju)
See the detailled log =Pogledaj detaljni protokol
Select Directory =Izaberi direktorij
Select Directory For Content =Izaberi direktorij za sadr₧aj
Selected Item =Izabrani dio
Sequence Duration and/or video type must be known, so "%s" must be checked, to have access to this=Duljina dijela, i/ili tip videa moraju biti poznati, zbog toga se^provjerava "%s", da bi mu se moglo pristupiti.
Set first chapter to numeric key =Namjesti prvi chapter na numeriΦku tipku
Settings =Postavke
Size =VeliΦina
So no display... =Zato nema objaÜnjenja...
Some drivers may seem to work (burn succeeded)^but may lead to unreadable CDR or^jurky audio/video (S)VCD playback on your DVD Player=Neki pogonitelji izgledaju da rade (snimanje uspjeÜno), ali mo₧e doµi^do neΦitljivih CD-a ili zajeba kod gledanja (S)VCD-a na DVD playeru
Special characters in filenames are not allowed^(GNU VCDImager known bug)=Odre≡eni znakovi u nazivu nisu dozvoljeni^(poznata greÜka GNU VCDImager-a).
Start Cd device rotation =CD-drive pokrenut
Start offset =PoΦetni Offset
Start the next disc if it has the same <album-id> at the second sequence instead of the first.=Ako sljedeµi CD (album) ima isti naziv albuma, pokrenut µe se drugom, umjesto prvom sekvencom.
Stop Cd device rotation =CD-drive zaustaviti
SubTree Size =Ukupna veliΦina
Supports Files Drag'n Drop =Drag and Drop je moguµ.
Supports Files/Folders Drag'n Drop =Drag and Drop datoteka/direktorija je moguµ.
Supports Image Drag'n Drop =Podr₧ava Drag and Drop slika.
TV Cropping =TV Cropping
The %s character is not allowed in: =Oznaka %s nije dozvoljena u:
The Aspi layer (required by CDRDAO) may be missing or not be installed correctly=ASPI pogonitelj (potreban CDRDAO-u) nedostaje ili nije ispravno instaliran.
The BIN filename must have no SPACE character if you want to burn it with CDRDAO=BIN datoteka, u imenu ne smije sadr₧avati prazna mjesta, ako ₧eliÜ pr₧iti sa CDRDAO.
The Folder "%s" is a special (S)VCD folder! ="%s" je poseban (S)VCD direktorij!
The check for new version available failed =Potraga za novom verzijom je neuspjeÜna.
The corresponding BIN file must be in the same folder as the CUE file,^and must have the same name.=BIN datoteka mora biti u istom direktoriju sa CUE-om, i mora imati isto ime
The file "%s" does not exist =Nedostaje datoteka "%s".
The file is not a MPEG file with Riff header [.dat file] =Datoteka nije MPEG sa RIFF zaglavljem (DAT datoteka).
The filename must contain the full path =Naziv datoteke mora sadr₧avati potpuni put/mjesto gdje se nalazi.
The files must be different =Datoteke moraju biti razliΦite.
The volume name must not be empty when there are more than one volumes=Oznake ne smiju biti prazne, ako postoji viÜe od jednog albuma.
This %s supports only =%s podr₧ava samo
This VCDEasy version supports only the version %s of "%s" =Ova verzija VCDEasy-a podr₧ava samo verzije %s do "%s".
This file must have a size multiple of 2336 and be not empty, if you want to add it as a full 2336 bytes sectors file=Datoteka mora biti veliΦine 2.336, ne smije biti prazna, ako je ₧eliÜ sa 2.336 Bytes/Sektor nadodati.
This frame number must refers to this MPEG sequence, not the original sequence if different=Ovaj broj frameova mora biti za ovaj MPEG dio, ne za cijeli film (ako su razliΦiti).
This is due to a CDRDAO bug when dealing with CUE files... =Ovo je zbog CDRDAO greÜke kad se radi sa CUE datotekama...
This is related to the ability of some multi-disc stand-alone players to instantly start playing^the next disc once the current disc as finished playing.=Odnosi se na moguµnost mnogih multi-disk DVD plajera, da odmah nakon zavrÜetka jednog Cd-a odmah reproducira drugi.
This version works with =Ova verzija radi sa
To avoid this, change your chapters or relax the ASP constraints =Da bi se izbjeglo, izmjeni chapter ili olabavi APS ograniΦenja.
Too many chapters will created =PreviÜe dijelova.
Tools =Alati
TreeSubLevel =Podsektor
Trying to unlock the Cd Reader =CDROM otkljuΦati
Trying to unlock the Cd Writer =CD pr₧ilicu otkljuΦati
Type =Tip
Unable to create =Pravljenje neuspjeÜno
Unable to overwrite =Overburn neuspjeÜan
Unable to perform a CDR devices scan =Potraga za CD pr₧ilicom neuspjeÜna
Unable to perform a CDR devices scan, you may have an ASPI drivers problem=Nije moguµe pronaµi CD pr₧ilicu, mo₧da je greÜka u ASPI pogoniteljima.
Unable to save the picture to "%s" =Slika se ne mo₧e snimiti na "%s".
Unknown "TV system" in the SmartRipper IFO information =Nepoznat "TV System", u SmartRipperovom IFO objaÜnjenju.
Unlock Cd Writer after failed writing =CD pr₧ilicu nakon neuspjeÜnog pr₧enja otkljuΦati
Unsupported Picture extension =Nepodr₧ana ekstenzija slike
Use Cdxa2mpeg in the tools page to try to convert it to a "true" Mpeg file =Koristi Cdxa2mpeg iz alata, za konvertiranje u "prave" MPEG datoteke.
Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 150=Ovim se moze utvrditi broj praznih sektora, koje µe se ubaciti prije Leadout-a. Neki^operativni sustavi izbace I/O greÜku na osnovi problema pri Φitanje zadnje MPEG trake,^ako ovaj parametar nije na vrijednosti 15. Standardna vrijednost je 150.
Used to set the track pregap for all tracks at once in sectors.^The specification requires the pregap to be at least 150 sectors long.^Default is 150=Ovime se odre≡uje Pregap u sektorima za sve trake.^Specifikacija propisuje Pregap od najmanje 150 sektora.^Standardna vrijednost je 150.
Used when PBC information is present but its interpretation is disabled on the player,^when multiple volumes in album, when album name not empty, when not Vcd 1.1.=Ova postavka se koristi, kada postoje PBC informacije, ali ih DVD-player ne mo₧e iskoristiti,^ako je viÜe dijelova u jednom albumu, ako postoji naziv albuma, i ako nije rijeΦ o VCD 1.1.
VCD1.1 does not allow the use of MPEG Pictures =VCD1.1 ne dozvoljava upotrebu MPEG slika
VCDEasy will choose the nearest possible chapter entry point(s) based on what you want=VCDEasy µe izabrati, na osnovu onoga Üto ₧elite, najbli₧i moguµi poΦetak chaptera
Value bigger than the MPEG duration =Vrijednost je veµa od duljine MPEG-a
Video Stream =Video stream
VideoCD BEGIN =PoΦetak VideoCD-a
VideoCD END =Kraj VideoCD-a
Viewing restrictions which may be interpreted by the playing device.^The allowed range goes from "0" [unrestricted, means free to view for all], to "3" [restricted, may mean content not suitable for ages under 18].=DjeΦji osiguraΦ na DVD-playeru.^^Vrijednosti su od "0" (neograniΦeno, tj. za sve slobodno) do "3"^(ograniΦeno, tj. za odrasle samo).
Warning: You may experience some problems with the ASPI Tools in enabling them...^if so, send me an email=Pa₧nja: mogu se pojaviti problemi sa ASPI alatom, pri aktivaciji,^ako se to desi, poÜalji mi mail.
Warning: You may experience some problems with the CDRDAO...^if so, upgrade your ASPI drivers=Pa₧nja: mogu se pojaviti problemi sa CDRDAO...^u ovom sluΦaju instaliraj aktualni ASPI pogonitelj.
Warning: relaxing the aps requirement may lead to non-working entry points=Pa₧nja: labavljenje APS ograniΦenja mo₧e prouzroΦiti, da pojedini chapteri ne funcionoraju.
Writing cd image file =Napravi CD Image
Wrote %s Mb of %s Mb =Zapisano %s MB od ukupno %s MB
Yes =Da
You can change this option only if the MPEG files list is empty =Ova opcija se mo₧e mjenjati samo kada je MPEG lista prazna.
You entered a total of %s volumes for the album =Dodao si %s dijelova u album.
You need to activate Playback Control (PBC) in order to play MPEG pictures=MoraÜ aktivirati Playback Controlu (PBC) da bi gledao MPEG slike
You need to restart %s in order to take the changes into account =%s iznova startati, da bi promjene bile primjenjenje.
You need to restart %s in order to take the locations changes into account=%s iznova pokrenuti, da bi izmjene puta bile aktualne.
You will only have to drag the ..._##.img files into Toast =Moraju se samo dodati datoteke "..._##.img" u Toast.
and =i
and supports =i podr₧ava
by =od
bytes =Bajtova
detailled %s =Detaljni %s
not found =nije prona≡en
or =ili
or as standalone application =ili kao samostalan program
##################################### Added at version 1.1.0
Always On Top =Uvijek na vrhu
Reset actions to defaults =PoniÜti radnju na standardnu postavku
Reset actions to defaults for: =PoniÜti radnju na standardnu postavku za:
Selected Item =Izabrani dio
All Items =Svi dijelovi
Set first chapter to numeric key =Postavi prvo poglavlje na numeriΦku tastaturu
Available Hard Disk Space =Raspolo₧ivo mjesta na HDD-u
##################################### Added at version 1.1.1
Add %s files =Dodaj %s datoteke
Find the %s directory =Na≡i %s direktorij
Open a %s file =Otvori %s datoteku
Page %s =Stranica %s
Save %s file to =Snimi %s datoteku u
Save as %s file =Snimi kao %s datoteku
Text =Text
for SVCD =za SVCD
for VCD =za VCD
##################################### Added at version 1.1.2
%s &Home Page =Home&page %s
%s &always on top =%s je uvijek na &vrhu
&About %s =&O programu %s
&Donation =Dona&cija
&Remember %s size and position =Zapamti &polo₧aj i veliΦinu %s
A CD is required =Potreban je CD
Addition of MPEG files ended =Dodavanje MPEG datoteka je zavrÜeno
Allows you to select the items to which you will also apply this choice=Dozvoljava selektiranje stvari na koje ₧elite tako≡e primjeniti ovaj izbor
Allows you to select the items to which you will reset actions to defaults=Dozvoljava selektiranje stvari koje ₧elite resetirati na poΦetkne postavke
Also apply to =Tako≡e primjeni na
Approximate ISO File System size =Pribli₧na veliΦina ISO datoteΦnog sustava
Authoring Process Successful =Autoring uspjeÜan
Authoring Process Unsuccessful =Autoring neuspjeÜan
By donating you will help me keep the %s web site running and alive,^you will allow me to buy some codes to improve %s,^and you will encourage me to continue with %s development.=Donacijom poma₧ete, odr₧avanju %s stranice,^doprinoseµi kupovini kodova potrebnim poboljÜanju %s,^i ohrabrujuµi me u nastavljanju razvijanja %s.
Deselect All =Deselektiraj sve
Deselect all items =Deselektiraj sve elemente
Erase CD-RW confirmation =Potvrda brisanja CD-RW
Failed =NeuspjeÜno
Failure =NeuspjeÜno
Files with supported picture extensions =Datoteke sa podr₧anim slikovnim ekstenzijama
Generation of several MPEG stills ended =Stvaranje nekoliko MPEG slika je prekinuto
If you appreciate %s, please make a donation,^it will be very helpful and appreciated. Thanks=Ako vam se svi≡a %s, donirajte nas. ^Biµe nam jako korisno. Hvala.
Invalid picture file, or unable to read it =Neispravna slika ili se ne mo₧e proΦitati
Inverse selection =Zamjeni selektirano
Itself =Sebe
MPEG stills creation summary =Ukupan zbir stvaranja MPEG slika
Mpeg Still(s) creation finished =Stvaranje MPEG slika je zavrÜeno
NB: will not apply to the segments =NB: se neµe primjeniti na segmente
No new version is available =Nova verzija nije prona≡ena
Number of pictures =Broj slika
Ok =U redu
Other %s settings =Ostale postavke %s
Please confirm that you want to quit =Potvrdi da ₧eliÜ izaµi
Please read the %s online FAQ and guides before reporting a bug or asking or help=ProΦitaj FAQ prije prijavljivanja greÜke %s ili tra₧enja pomoµi
Please wait while scanning... =SaΦekajte dok skeniram...
Please, add at least one non MPEG still file =Dodaj barem jednu ne-MPEG sliku
Reset actions to defaults for this item =Resetiraj akciju na standardne postavke za ovo
Reset actions to defaults for =Resetiraj akciju na standardne postavke za
See the guides at the %s web site if you experience problems with CDRDAO/ASPI, or if you want to know more about alternate burning methods=Pogledaj uputstva na stranici %s ako imate problema sa CDRDAO/ASPI ili ₧elite viÜe znati o alternativnim metodama snimanja
See the log page for details =Pogledaj log stranicu za detalje
Select All =Izaberi sve
Select all items =Izaberi sve stavke
Select all segments =Izaberi sve dijelove
Select all sequences =Izaberi sve sekvence
Select sequence and its chapters =Izaberi sekvencu i njenje djelove (chaptere)
Selection he =Pomoµni dio
Sequences with chapters =Sekvenca sa djelovima
Skipped =Ignoriraj
Succeeded =UspjeÜno
The duration of this MPEG file is too short ( %s < 4000 milliseconds)=Trajanje MPEG-a je prekratko ( %s < 4000 ms.)
but may be required to have working chapters when PBC is OFF =mo₧e biti potrebno za funkcionalne djelove ako je PBC iskljuΦen
but may lead to non working chapters when PBC is OFF =mo₧e dovesti do neispravnih djelova ako je PBC iskljuΦen
files =datoteke
queued commands =niz komandi
##################################### Added at version 1.1.3
Success =UspjeÜno
Do you want to add this non-compliant file anyway ? =Äelite li svakako dodati ovu ne-standardnu datoteku?
This VCDEasy version supports only the versions %s and %s of "%s" =Ova VCDEasy verzija podr₧ava samo verziju %s i %s od "%s"
One or more chapter points have been deleted, as now the Total Time is known =Jedan ili viÜe chaptera
You need to install an appropriate Windows CODEC to read this file. =Treba instalirati tra₧eni codec.
Warning =Upozorenje
Tip of the Day =Natuknica dana
Did you know =Jeste li znali da ...
Show tips at Startup =Poka₧i natuknice pri pokretanju
Next Tip =Sljedeµa
Previous Tip =PrijaÜnja
Close =Zatvori
Windows Media Player is not installed on this Windows, but is required by %s =Windows meadia plajer nije instaliran, a potreban je %s.
Please download it from %s =Skinite sa %s
CDRDAO is disabled by default, as I am not sure it will work with your ASPI drivers=CDRDAo je standardno iskljuΦen, jer je nepoznato hoµe li raditi sa tvojim ASPI pogoniteljima
Load the video file into the media player =UΦitaj video datoteku u media-player
Play =Play
Stop =Stop
Pause =Pauza
Fast Rewind =Premotaj unazad
Fast Rewind (to a potential chapter point) =Premotaj unazad (do sljedeµeg chaptera)
Fast Forward =Premotaj naprijed
Fast Forward (to a potential chapter point) =Premotaj naprijed (do sljedeµeg chaptera)
Slow Rewind =Usporena slika
Previous potential chapter point =Usporena slika (do sljedeµeg chaptera)
Slow Forward =Usporena slika unazad
Next potential chapter point =Usporena slika unazad (do sljedeµeg chaptera)
Sound Volume =Glasnoµa
Picture =Slika
Save =Snimi
Save the picture to =Snimi sliku u
Capturing picture for chapter: =Snimanje slike za chapter
VCDxBuild takes the XML descripter file of a (S)VCD project and creates a CD image on your hard disc. =VCDxbuild koristi XML opisnu datoteku (S)VCD projekta da bi napravio image datoteku na HDD-u.
This CD image (either in CUE/BIN format or the CDRDAO TOC format) can then be recorded onto a physical disc (e.g., CD-R(W)) =Ovaj image (CUE/BIN format ili CDRDAO TOC format) mo₧e biti snimljen na fiziΦki disk ( Φitaj CD-R(W))
VCDxRip takes a disc image of a (S)VCD and extracts from it all the media files =VCDxRip koristi (S)VCD image sa diska i ekstrahira ih iz svih medijskih datoteka
for example, sequence-items such as MPEG video trancs as well as segment-item like high resolution stills images =na primjer, djelove MPEG scena kao i slike visoke rezolucije iz filma
The format of the disc image can be either the CUE/BIN format or the Nero Burning ROM NRG format. =Format image datoteke mo₧e biti CUE/BIN ili NRG (Nero) format.
VCDxmInfo analyzes your MPEG file from the point of view of VCD or SVCD compliance. =VCDxmInfo analizira MPEG datoteke kao VCD ili SVCD format
It will report on many parameters including frame size, bitrate, audio as well as APS data (required for entrypoints). =Analizira se dosta parametara: veliΦina, framerate, audio kao i APS datoteke
Futhermore, it will also analyze MPEG still images. =Nadalje, tako≡e µe analizirati MPEG slike.
VCDxDebug analyzes VCD and SVCD disc images (in CUE/BIN format) and reports the structure of the disc. =VCDxDebug analizira VCD i SVCD image (CUE/BIN format) i izvjeÜtava nas o strukturi diska.
It reports on the filesystem, the PBC area as well as a number of other areas. =IzvjeÜtava nas o datoteΦnom sustavu, PBC djelovima i ostalom.
This tool is particulary useful in debugging an authored (S)VCD before committing it to a dics. =Ovaj alat je korisan kod debagiranja (S)VCD-a prije nego za zapr₧imo.
Cdxa2mpeg removes RIFF headers from a file. =Cdxa2mpeg uzklanja RIFF header iz datoteke.
Under the Microsoft Windows OSes, the media files copied off a VCD or SVCD have RIFF headers appended. =Pod Microsoftovim OS-om, kopirani podaci sa VCD-a ili SVCD-a imaju RIFF headere.
This tool simply removes those headers ad converts the file back into a plain MPEG stream. =Ovaj alat jednostavno uklanja te headere i konvertira datoteke u jednostavni MPEG stream.
During writing you should avoid to open the Windows Explorer and similar tools =Pri snimanju treba izbjegavati otvaranje Windows Explorera ili sliΦnih programa.
CDRDAO does not lock the recording device so that all access action from the Explorer will lead to a failure of the recording process. =CDRDAO ne zakljuΦava pr₧ilicu tako da Φe svaki pristup istom zavrÜiti kao greÜka pri snimanju.
If the "Auto Insert Notification" of your CD device is ON, your PC may hang during CD read operations. =Ako je "Auto Insert Notification" upaljen, PC se mo₧e zamrznui pri Φitanju sa istog.
If so, check OFF "Auto Insert Notification" of your CD device. =Ako se to desi jednostavno iskljuΦi "Auto Insert Notification".
##################################### Added at version 1.1.4
This MPEG file requires autopadding... you may be unable to watch it correctly...=Ova MPEG datoteka zahtjeva autopading... mo₧da neµete moµi ispravno gledati film
This MPEG file have bad packets =Ova MPEG datoteka sadr₧i "bad packets"
Attention: several chapters at the same entry point (if it is not what you wanted... change your chapters or let %s analyse the MPEG files to avoid this situation)=Pa₧nja, nekoliko chaptera poΦinje sa istog mjesta (ukoliko to niste namjerno namjestili, promjenite chaptetre ili analizirajte MPEG datoteku sa %s da bi izbjegli sliΦnu situaciju )
Next time, let %s analyse the MPEG files to have this warning before... =Sljedeµi put, analizirajte MPEG datoteku sa %s , ranije
(i.e. one MPEG video file) =(pr. jedna MPEG datoteka)
CD image file too big... (note that it will not solve the problem, nor work, to use a DVD disc...)= CD image je prevelik (neµe rijeÜiti problem ni snimanje na DVD disk)
You need to cut a too big MPEG file if any (in using a MPEG cut tool), or put less MPEG files, to reduce the total size=Trebate odsjeµi veliku MPEG datoteku (koristite neki MPEG program za editiranje), ili stavite manju MPEG datoteku, da smanjite totalnu veliΦinu
Or, if you put many files in the ISO filesystem part, you may need to remove some...=Ili, ako stavite previÜe datoteka u ISO sustav, mo₧da µete morati maknuti neke
Unable to capture the picture with the current Media Player codecs... =Ne mogu snimiti sa trenutnim Media Player kodekom
Depending on your MPEG codecs, pictures capture may make %s crashes now, or later... =U zavisnosti od vaÜeg MPEG kodeka, snimanje mo₧e sruÜiti %s sada ili kasnije
CDRDAO (burning) has been disabled, as I am not sure it will work with your ASPI drivers=CDRDAO (snimanje) je iskljuΦeno, jer nije sigurno da µe funkcionirti sa tvojim ASPI pogoniteljima
Go to the "settings" page to enable it yourself if you want to try... U "Postavkama" mo₧eÜ ukljuΦiti da isprobaÜ
%s ASPI = %s ASPI
Warning: You may experience some problems... =Pa₧nja: mogu nastati problemi...
Warning: You may experience some problems with the ASPI Tools in enabling them...=Pa₧nja: mogu nastati problemi sa ASPI-jem ako ga se ukljuΦi
Not yet finished... Sorry! =JoÜ nije gotovo, ₧ao mi je
Aborting =Prekidam
Some files required by %s are missing =Neke datoteke, potrebne %s, nedostaju
Please, install the %s full distribution to have all the required files =Instaliraj punu verziju %s da bi imali sve datoteke
If you want to burn with %s... =Ako ₧elite snimati sa %s...
If you want to create some MPEG pictures with %s... =Ako ₧elite napraviti neke MPEG slike sa %s
In %s =U %s
Forbidden characters =Zabranjeni znakovi
Rename or/and move the file in order to not have forbidden characters in the full filemane= Preimenuj i/ili makni datoteku da ne bi sadr₧avala zabranjene znakove
%s page at %s =%s strana na %s
burning =pr₧enje
You also may need to be an Administrator on this computer, if it is not already the case=Mo₧da je potrebno da budete Administrator na raΦunalu, ako to veµ nije sluΦaj
Add here MPEG files (MPEG Videos and/or MPEG Pictures) compliant with the VideoCD specifications=Dodaj MPEG datoteke (MPEG video ili MPEG slike) koje su u skladu sa VideoCD spacifikacijama
"%s" (from %s) not found =%s (iz %s) nije prona≡en
Unit not ready, giving up =Jedinica nije spremna, odustajem
Unit not ready, still trying =Jedinica nije spremna, joÜ pokuÜavam
Cannot setup device =Ne mogu namjestiti jedinicu
Using driver: =Koristim pogonitelj:
You may have an ASPI drivers problem =Mo₧da imaÜ problem sa ASPI pogoniteljima
Error =GreÜka
Disc blanked =Disk izbrisan
Blanking disk =BriÜem disk
Blanking time =Vrijeme za brisanje
CD empty =CD prazan
Trying to unlock drive =PokuÜavam otkljuΦati jedinicu
Drive unlocked =Jeinica otkljuΦana
Starting write simulation at speed =PoΦinjem simulaciju snimanja pri brzini
Starting write at speed =PoΦinjem snimati brzinom
Writing track =Zapisujem traku
Please wait while finalizing the CD =SaΦekajte dok se CD finalizira
Disk seems to be written, will reload the disk to be sure =Disk izgleda zapr₧en, uΦitajem iznova da budem siguran
Internally computed XML generated successfully =UspjeÜno je napravljena interna XML datoteka
Turning %s on =Palim %s
That data below may not reflect the real status of the inserted medium. Reload the medium in this case.=Poaci ispod mo₧da ne odra₧uju stvarno stanje ubaΦena medija, U tom sluΦju ubaci medij iznova.
Note that CDRDAO troubles are often related to the use of an inadequate driver =CDRDAO problemu su Φesto povezani sa neodgovarajuµim pogoniteljima
No driver found for =Nema pogonitelja za
##################################### Added at version 1.1.5
%s project file =Naziv projekta
VideoCD XML description =Opis VideoCD XML datoteke
%s project =Projekt %s
CD Image =CD Image
CD Images =CD Images
%s files =Datoteke %s
Force the horizontal display size to be 480 while standards say 540 or 720.^But many DVD/SVCD players screw up with these values=Neka bude 480 vodoravnih linija, iako je standard 540 ili 720.^Dosta SVCD/DVD playera neµe reproducirati sliku.
Commas in filenames are not allowed =Zarezi, u nazivu, nisu dozvoljeni
"&&" in filenames are not allowed ="&&" u nazivu, nije dozvoljen
This MPEG files has been encoded using the Chinese specifications. =Ovaj MPEG je enkodiran po Kineskim specifikacijama.
Consider enabling the "update scan offsets" option, if you want to fix this. =Razmislite o paljenju "update scan offseta" opcije, ako ₧elite ispraviti ovo.
Only MPEG motion videos and MPEG stills (pictures) are accepted =Podr₧ane su samo MPEG video ili MPEG slike
A (S)VCD can not have more than %s MPEG stills (pictures) =(S)VCD ne mo₧e imati viÜe od %s MPEG slika
A (S)VCD can not have more than %s MPEG videos =(S)VCD ne mo₧e imati viÜe od %s MPEG videa
%s only accepts/analyzes multiplexed program streams =%s prihvaµa/analizira samo multiplexirane streamove
If this file is a working MPEG file,^check first that it is not an elementary video or elementary audio stream only,^as a multiplexed program stream (video AND audio, or MPEG still) is required =Ako je ovo valjana MPEG datoteka ,^provjeri da nije rijeΦ o elementarnom audio ili video stream-u,^jer je potreban multiplexirani MPEG (vidΘo I audio) ili MPEG slika.
NTSC is a format for use primarily in North America =NTSC format se primarno koristi u Sjevernoj Americi
PAL is a format for use primarily in Europe and Asia =PAL format se primarno koristi Europi i Aziji
According to the VideoCD official specifications, only the following MPEG files types are supported by %s =Po slu₧benim VideoCD specifikacijama, podr₧ane su samo sljedeµe MPEG datoteke
MPEG Video =Video MPEG
MPEG Still (Picture) =MPEG slika
MPEG Videos =Video MPEG-ovi
MPEG Stills (Pictures) =MPEG slike
Your MPEG file =Tvoja MPEG datoteka
Your MPEG file is a %s MPEG file, while you project is a %s VideoCD =Tvoja MPEG datoteka je %s MPEG datoteka, dok je projekt VideoCD %s
The display of MPEG2 files requires you to have a software DVD Player installed on your PC^(thus you will have some MPEG2 "Codecs")=Reproduciranje MPEG2 datoteke zahtjeva softverski DVD player^(potrebni su MPEG2 kodeci)
Sounds =Zvukovi
Internet =Internet
General =Opµenito
Warnings =Upozorenja
CD Writer/Reader =CD ΦitaΦ/pr₧ilica
CD Writer =CD pr₧ilica
CD Reader =CD ΦitaΦ
Burning support is disabled =PodrÜka pr₧enju je iskljuΦena
Switching to non-expert mode will reset to defaults all "expert" options! =Mjenjanje na non-expertni modus µe resetirati sve expertne opcije!
ASPI Tools support is disabled =ASPI podrÜka programa je iskljuΦena
No CD Writer/Reader =Nema CD ΦitaΦa/pr₧ilice
No real CD Writer/Reader because burning support is disabled =Nema CD ΦitaΦa/pr₧ilice jer je podrÜka za pr₧enje iskljuΦena
The project is %s while the MPEG file is % =Projekt je %s dok je MPEG datoteka %s
Do you want to change the project accordingly ? =Äelite li promijeniti i projekt ?
Error while loading the %s project file =GreÜka pri uΦitavanju %s projekta.
If you are sure your disk is empty, then you may have a bad "Force Driver" in the "CD Writer/Reader" settings page=Ako ste sigurni da je disk prazan, mo₧da koristite loÜ "Fioce Driver" u CD pisaΦ/ΦitaΦ u postavkama
A CD is required (if there is one, then you may have a bad "Force Driver" in the "CD Writer/Reader" settings page)=Potreban je CD (ako je CD tu, mo₧da koristite loÜ "Force Driver" u CD pisaΦ/ΦitaΦ u postavkama
You may have a bad "Force Driver" in the "CD Writer/Reader" settings page, BUT before changing it, try first without simulation =Mo₧da imate loÜ "Force Driver" u CD pisaΦ/ΦitaΦ u postavkama, ali PRIJE mjenjanja, pokuÜajte sa simulacijom
You may have a bad "Force Driver" in the "CD Writer/Reader" settings page =Mo₧da iamte lo₧ CD pisaΦ/ΦitaΦ u postavkama
Use "Force Driver" in the "CD Writer/Reader" settings page to set a driver manually=Koristite "Force Driver" u CD pisaΦ/ΦitaΦ postavkama
Are you sure you want to reset the current project (video/picture files, options, ...) ?=Jeste sigurni da ₧elite restirati trenutni projekt ?
Do you want to save the changes ? =Äelite snimiti promjene?
##################################### Added at version 1.1.3
You can use mouse drag to rearrange the order of your MPEG files (in the MPEG files list of the "Main" page). =MiÜem se mogu pomicati MPEG datoteke (u "Glavnim postavkama" MPEG liste)
You can use 3rd party burning tools (such as CDRWIN) to burn the CD image files generated by %s... Useful if CDRDAO does not work on your machine!^See the guides for more information. =Mogu se koristiti ostali programi za snimanje (kao CDRWIN) da se snimi image datoteka napravljena %s...Korisno kada CDRDAO ne radi.^Pogledati upustva za viÜe informacija.
You can delete one by one some MPEG files in the MPEG files list by pressing the DEL key. =MPEG datoteke se mogu pojedinaΦno brisati klikanjem na DEL
You can drag'n drop MPEG files from a Windows explorer box to the MPEG files list. =Mo₧ete drag'n dropom odnijeti MPEG sa Windows Explorer prozora
%s has a lot of "Hints"... Useful information in yellow boxes that appears when you let the mouse over a composant for a few seconds... Read them! =%s ima dosta "Naputaka"... Korisne informacije u ₧utim kuµicama koje se pojave kada zadr₧imo miÜ par sekundi nad pojedinim djelovima... proΦitaj ih!
You can capture the pictures of all your chapters in one step in using "Generate Pictures" from the chapters list box's context menu. =Slike se mogu hvatati iz svih chaptera odjednom tako da koristimo "Napravi slike" iz chapter list boxa
You can capture a picture from the Media Player box. =Mogu se hvatati slike iz Media Player boxa
If you disabled "Show tips at Startup", you can enable it again via the "Help" menu. =Ako je "Poka₧i naputke pri pokretanju " iskljuΦen, upali ga preko "Help" menija
The "Interactivity" page is shown only if PBC (PlayBack Control) is ON. ="Interaktivna" strana je upaljena samo ako je PBC (PlayBack Control) upaljen
%s scales well, according to the Windows font resolution (I worked hard for low vision persons...) =%s se smanjuje uredno, prema rezolucijama Windows fontova
When %s starts, it sometimes wants to access the Internet... because it wants to check for a new version available. You can disable this check via "Auto check for a new version" in the "Help" menu. =Kada se %s pokrene, ponekad se ₧eli spojiti na Internet, radi potrage za novom verzijom. Mo₧e se iskljuΦiti iz menija "Pomoµ".
If you bought Nero and have troubles with the ASPI for CDRDAO, you can try to put Nero's WNASPI32.DLL file directly into the CDRDAO folder. =Ako koristite Nero i imate problema sa ASPIj-em za CDRDAO, kopirajte Nerov WNASPI32.DLL u direktorij CDRDAO.
##################################### Added at version 1.1.4
If you have Nero, %s can use Nero's ASPI layer if there ("WnAspi32.Dll" in the folder of Nero [and also "NeroApix.vxd" in "Windows\System\IOSUBSYS\" on Win9x/Me]). It may solve a CD writer detection problem.=Ako koristite Nero, %s mo₧e koristiti Nerov ASPI pogonitelj ("WnAspi32.Dll" ako je tu) i "NeroApix.vxd" u "Windows\System\IOSUBSYS\". To mo₧e rjeÜiti detekciju CD pr₧ilice.